The top ten ways to get hired.

10. Round out the work experience on your resume with campus activities and volunteer work.

9. Develop your computer skills and highlight your skills on your resume.

8. Build your online brand through a polished and professional LinkedIn profile.

7. Gain experience in an internship. Be proactive and initiate contact with companies at which you’d like to work and ask about internships, and be sure to participate in university and industry career days.

6. Present yourself as a professional in your interviews with hiring firms by dressing appropriately and communicating effectively.

5. Research a company before an interview. Ask two solid questions about the company to let the interviewer know you did your homework.

4. Send a thank-you note after all interviews and follow-up on your strengths as a candidate.

3. Get at least two actuarial exams under your belt before you graduate.

2. Graduate early. Off-cycle graduates sometimes get a jump on the spring graduates.

And the Number 1 way to get hired:

1. Build a strong and broad professional network of actuaries—these connections will assist you in finding opportunities.