You have just been asked to present at a local school’s career day and you haven’t the slightest idea how to easily explain what an actuary does to a group of 9th graders? Have no fear, we’ve got you covered. The information in this toolkit will make it easy to present to students of any age about a career as an actuary. Download the powerpoint presentation and the PDF handout below and you will be on your way.
BeAnActuary Handout (English)
Download and print this flyer filled with information about the actuarial profession.
(Note: This is a two page document. Print back to back to reduce paper usage.)
BeAnActuary Handout (Spanish)
Download and print this flyer filled with information about the actuarial profession.
(Note: This is a two page document. Print back to back to reduce paper usage.)
The Actuary’s Perspective Video Series
In each video, actuaries provide a first-hand perspective on their work and advice for those pursuing an actuarial career.
Watch The Actuary’s Perspective Videos
How Actuaries See the World Presentation – Automobile Insurance
A PowerPoint presentation that contains information about the actuarial profession, how students can start preparing for the career, and an activity for students on Automobile Insurance.
How Actuaries See the World Presentation – Homeowners Insurance
A PowerPoint presentation that contains information about the actuarial profession, how students can start preparing for the career, and an interactive game about Homeowners Insurance.
Actuaries in Action Videos
Through the Actuaries in Action series, we’ve captured the thoughts of actuaries on a variety of topics.
View the Actuaries in Action Videos
Helpful Presentation Tips
Learn tips on how to give a successful and exciting presentation that your audience will enjoy.

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