
OLA Academy and Academic Scholarship Program

OLA Academy

OLA Academy is a web-based program that prepares OLA candidates for the recruiting process. In 2020, the program will run from March to September. OLA Academy participants will get training on:

  • Resume writing
  • Interviewing
  • Networking
  • Designing an effective LinkedIn profile

OLA Academy participants will be matched with volunteers to put their new skills into practice. Completing the OLA Academy curriculum is required for the OLA Travel Sponsorship Program. OLA sponsors Latinx actuarial candidates to attend various conferences such as the Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA) Convention and the Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) Conference, among others. At these conferences, attendees will have an opportunity to network with actuaries, and, in some cases, interview for positions. To increase your chances of being considered for the ALPFA Convention, we encourage you to apply by April 30, 2020

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OLA Academic Scholarship Program

With help from corporate sponsors, OLA awards academic scholarships to Latinx undergraduate students who are pursuing the actuarial profession. At least one award includes an actuarial internship for Summer 2021. The deadline is April 30, 2020. In the general application, be sure to indicate that you are Hispanic/Latino, or else you won’t be able to apply.

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